Kitchen Design: What to Consider

Time for kitchen design already? We haven’t even reached mid-month, however the end of August marks the start of the transition from Summer to Fall.  As a result, we’ll all be doing a lot less grilling outdoors and spending more of our time in the kitchen.  While most of us have a few improvements in mind for our kitchens, we tend to push them off until things get so bad that visitors start to mention something.

Being the place where we prepare and consume at least some of our meals, you would think that keeping the area modernized is of high priority just for the sake of cleanliness.  For me, the procrastination stemmed from all of the considerations that should factor in to the proper design for your kitchen rather than the quick fix. Fortunately, I came across Kenwood Kitchen Design.

It is also worth noting that we live in one of the most financially privileged parts of the country which, in turn, means that adding commodities to your home is a profitable venture.  Let’s see if you can learn from my experience and facilitate the acquisition of a better kitchen for your home. I’ve learned that the preparation process should include contemplation regarding family & lifestyle, cooking behaviors, preferred design & style, and budget.

Family & Lifestyle:

Think about the number and ages of people that your kitchen must support. Does it need to be child friendly? Also, it is beneficial to think of where your family eats meals. Does your kitchen need a table or extra space for other activities such as being on the computer? How about storage space for the amount and frequency of shopping you do? Prior to a kitchen design, you may also want to factor in how long you plan to stay at your current residence.

Cooking Behavior:

Who is the head chef of your household? Think about their physical attributes such as if they are left or right handed and how tall they are. Are they mostly baking in the oven, using the stove top, or do they depend on the microwave?

How many other members of your family will use the kitchen to prepare food? Are they all healthy adults or are some of them elderly or young?

Design & Style:

Here is the fun part. The options for kitchen design have become so numerous that it has become really not all that hard to distinguish your kitchen as one of a kind. While picking out every detail can render the perfect results, it is also easy to take a shortcut and provide photographic examples of a kitchen you’d like to model yours after.

For those of us who like to go in depth, there is more to ponder. A conducive color scheme to the rest of your home can go a long way. Structural changes can not only increase the property value, but functionality as well. Think about things such as turning a wall into a counter top with additional cabinets above. Also, identify your least favorite aspects of the kitchen and contemplate creative ways to eliminate them.


This is usually the biggest constraint for your kitchen design. Rather than considering this to be a limiting factor that is insurmountable, think of it as an opportunity to seek out creative alternatives. Many times there is a cheaper route to achieving the same look and feel. Consulting with an experienced contractor can quickly alleviate any concerns.

This kitchen design form offered by Kenwood gave them all the information that they needed to assist my remodel. I highly recommend them.

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